Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Woo hoo! 8 miles! I didn't even know I could run that far. Guess that 13.1 doesn't seem so bad anymore. 26.2 still scares me though.

Yeah, so I ran so late at night that I can't sleep now, so I'm up watching Elimidate. Back at the Davenport house, Andy and I used to drink a beer and watch almost every night. We quickly learned that the only night really worth watching is Friday. Apparently they feel that any loser sitting at home watching Elimidate on a Friday night at 10pm deserves a good show. Good thing, because I believe that I once spent 7 consecutive Fridays doing just that. In any case, it's currently Bikini Week on Elimidate, which is usually pretty good. The intro to the show tonight was about how even Cleveland can be the best city on earth when you have girls in bikinis kissing each other (which is, of course, the real point of Elimidate). So far, the show hasn't lived up to its promise. I mean, the girls did kiss, but they are totally skanky-- not the kind you want to see in a bikini (and actually, two of the girls didn't even get in bikinis when they went in the pool). Damn late-night TV and its lies!

The computer is growing on me. It might actually grown into me if I don't put it down for a little while at some point :)

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