Wednesday, February 11, 2004

So much more fun to research for a job I actually care about, one that I feel would make my life have more meaning. As long as I feel good about what I'm doing I truly don't care how much money I make (assuming it's enough to live on, but I can live really cheaply). And researching gave me more ideas about where to send resumes, so all is good again.

Plus, I left the apartment today! I took my research materials down to the new Caribou Coffee in Wrigleyville. I just love Caribou; it really reminds me of Coffee Bean. I don't typically like chains, but relatively small chains like these that seem to treat their employees really well and focus on high-quality products make me so happy. Unfortunately, the Caribous near me aren't hiring. I think there are some out in the suburbs that need managers, but I don't think I could justify a long commute to work at a coffee shop!

It also felt good just to get out and walk. I never thought twice about walking a mile back in SB, but it seems so much further here. I don't know if it's just the cold or if it's b/c there's so much more between where I live and where I'm going. In SB I had to walk several blocks just to get out of residential areas. In any case, I realized today that walking a mile still isn't very far! Walking back and see Wrigley Field when I glanced down the street was fabulous. It was so pretty out that when I got back from the coffee shop I went up to my rooftop deck. Such a gorgeous view, even if I did have to stand in the snow to see it :) I love the outdoors, even in the city, even in the cold. Must remember that in the future!

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