Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Following up on a post from Laz... Is it weird to go to a concert by yourself?

Here's the background: My brother graduates college the first weekend in May. Now, I haven't decided for sure that I'm going; I don't know my work situation yet; and I'm going to Nashville two weeks before that. But I feel like I should go to graduation. True, my brother didn't go to my undergrad or grad school graduations, but he did go to my high school grad, and I didn't go to his. Plus, he's one of my favorite people in the world, and it's only a 5- or 6-hour drive from here.

Now the dilemma: Ani DiFranco, one of my absolute favorite singers and a terrific live performer, has a concert in Cincy that weekend on Saturday night. My brother's school is about an hour from Cincy, and I don't think there's any official graduation stuff that night. I could probably convince my family to go out to dinner in Cincy that evening (since Oxford is really tiny and will be packed with other families), but I think I'd have to go to the concert alone. I can't see it being something my parents or gradparents would like, and my brother's friends who might enjoy it will all be busy with their families.

So, would it be weird for me to go alone? I'm already missing the Indigo Girls' Chicago concert because I'll be in Nashville, and I don't go to a lot of concerts, so when I'm really excited about one, I feel like it would be a shame to miss it, even if I did just see Ani in the fall.

This is me making something small more complicated so I can avoid issues like how I'm going to pay next month's bills.

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