Thursday, February 19, 2004

Ok, I am now going to attempt to write a blog that's vague enough that I won't get myself into trouble but not so vague as not be boring/frustrating for the rest of you. (Although, if you haven't figured it out yet, my blog is really just my place to vent, and that people read it is just a happy byproduct.)

I realize that I have a lot of ideals/values/etc. that seem radical and extreme to the general public (i.e., vegetarian/environmentalist, agnostic, socialist, against anything that's "traditional" just for the sake of tradition, etc). I know that while I may have fit in a bit better in Southern California than elsewhere in the world, the truth is that I'm always going to be a bit "out there." I'm ok with all of that, and I'm too stubborn to change anyway.

But the thing is that I don't really try to change anyone else. When people challenge my beliefs I'll debate them, and I'm very firm in my convictions. But while I would like the world to be more like me, and while I might try to make people realize that their world would be better if the environment was better or whatever, I'm not much of a proselytizer.

That said, I don't like when other people's beliefs infrige on me. Now's when I have to get vague. There are certain situations in which I feel VERY uncomfortable because of my fundamental opposition to what they are (ok, so that makes no sense). Anyway, I'm torn between being a good friend and being happy. I know that I can't be selfish in certain circumstances, but it's still incredibly frustrating.

Hmmph, this would have been easier if I could have been more specific! Alas.

Maybe I'm just not meant to have any contact with the outside world :)

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