Thursday, February 26, 2004

There are people in my life that I don't speak with very often. I might heard about them through mutual friends, but there's little direct contact. And yet, I continue to think of them as my friends. We might only speak once or twice a year, but we're still somehow close. My high school friends are this way. I'll go months without speaking to them, but they'll still invite me to their weddings. Stuff like that.

What's funny is that I probably go through the majority of my life not thinking of these people. Sure, there will be the occassional song or commercial that reminds me of a particular friend, but by and large they don't even register in my mind. And yet, once I do talk to one of these friends I start to really miss him/her. That's happened to me a couple of times this week. Friends I hadn't talked to in a while, who maybe didn't reply last time I called or emailed, all the sudden reappearing in my life. And now I'm sad because they're far away. How strange.

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