Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Ever get sad for no reason at all? You're going along with your life, happy-go-lucky, and suddenly, out of nowhere, you're morose to your core. That's what just happened to me.

I think in some ways my life here doesn't really seem real. I haven't made any effort at all to make new friends or even spend that much time with the people I know. I haven't managed to sign up for any running clubs or reading groups or environmental organizations or any of the other assemblages I had planned to join. I'm not writing; my files are still disorganized in their moving boxes. I don't even have a local phone number or driver's license yet. My job is temporary; I rent; and I avoid any possibility of relationship.

I think I've just been transient for so long that I don't know how to change. I guess that's what happens when you're a career student. You always know that you'll be moving at some point in the near future, so you never get too attached. Most academics can't settle until at least their mid-thirties when they finally fall into a tenure-track position. There's no question that I'm far happier here than I was in Cali, but I'm having trouble letting go of that vagabond mindset.

I'm going to go run before I get too despondent.

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