Monday, March 22, 2004

A bit of advice: don't try running right after eating Thai food.
I always wondered what college administrators did when classes were on break. Now I know-- not a whole lot. I spent most of the day organizing two years' worth of emails so that I can find them when I need them. Of course when the permanent secretary returns, she won't be able to find anything, but that's not really my problem. :)
Ohio was fabulous. I love my parents, and I love that I'm old enough that I can admit that I love hanging out with them! I wish Ohio were a little closer. Or that my parents lived somewhere else because there's no way I'm gonna live in Ohio (or Indiana, Kentucky, West Virginia, or Pennsylvania)! Seeing my grandfather in the nursing home was heartbreaking. I started wondering if my brother can remember when Granddad and Grandma were younger. I can remember playing catch with Grandad and going camping and canoeing with him. I remember Grandma babysitting us and playing fort, crawling around under the table. None of those things would be possible for them today. Watching loved ones grow older can be tough.
I found my old Hebrew flashcards when I was home. I'm not surprised I kept them, but I'm not sure why I did. In any case, I brought them back here with me. I'd like to refamiliarize myself with Hebrew. It's such a wonderful, wonderful language. Not at all useful to know, but hey when did I ever worry about whether the things I studied were practical ;) Speaking of, I'm also taking up knitting and crocheting and learning Russian.

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