Thursday, September 09, 2004

Every once in a great, great while I start to think that maybe, just maybe, I perhaps might want to tentatively explore the remote possibility of potentially dating again. Someday. It’s not a terribly insistent thought, and it doesn’t happen often, but it’s annoyingly difficult to get out of my head once it’s there. I haven’t decided whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. On the one hand, it’s no small relief that I may be recovering from California. On the other hand, I like to do things like go to bed at 9pm in order to wake up at 5am to run and spend whole weekends organizing my music collection and travel at the last minute without consulting anyone. Not only am I unsure how another person would fit into such schemes, I’m not even sure why I’d want someone to.

In any event I don’t have any potential suitors in mind, and I don’t know how or where to meet people. Considering the absurdly large number of strangers I see each day, it seems silly to say that I cannot meet new people. But then I never have liked talking to strangers and take great pains to avoid doing so. From the moment I set foot on the train each day until the moment I disembark, I am engrossed in a book, so much so that at times I have come dangerously close to missing my stop. At the grocery store I head straight to the self checkout line so that I do not even need speak with a checker. When I’m out running I rarely even make eye contact with other runners, much less exchange pleasantries. And I moved back to a town where I already had friends specifically so that I wouldn’t need to meet new people.

Since I am unlikely to suddenly enjoy talking to strangers and since I hate dating I think I should just stick with being single, which has worked very well for me thus far. It’s a good thing I prefer to spend as much time as possible by myself :)

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