Saturday, December 18, 2004

You know you're overeducated when...

Jacki and I went to a show last night, at an upstairs theater of Second City. A few of her friends from college were involved with the show (writers, actors), so she wanted to be supportive. The show was a series of comedic sketches. The sketch that should have been the funniest for me involved Matthew going to a publisher with his Gospel. The editor's response was that he'd already seen similar stories from Mark, John, and Luke, and they needed to spice up the story a bit to sell it. The sketch had definite promise, but I could get past the idea of Matthew being last. See, most biblical historians agree that the chronological order of the Gospels is: Mark, Matthew, Luke, John. John was almost certainly around 20 years after Matthew, so the sketch makes no sense. There were countless other historical/biblical inaccuracies in the sketch that bothered me too. Dammit, I want to be able to enjoy comedy shows and DaVinci Code just like everyone else. Stupid education :)

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