Tuesday, May 04, 2004

It took me TWO HOURS to get home from work today. Two hours to go 13 miles. If you'll recall, a week and a half ago I managed to RUN 13 miles in 2 hours. I can easily bike that far much faster. Damn game traffic.

I wasn't actually driving the entire two hours. I was an idiot and left my wallet at home, and I was convinced I was going to run out of gas and be the dumbass stalled in the middle of already backed-up traffic. After over and a half of driving I finally got to my exit and left my car parked at the gas station (I had to beg the cashier to let me keep it parked in an out-of-the-way spot) while I walked back to my apartment and got my wallet. Finally got to my car, got gas and then couldn't find parking anywhere except in a position that I'm fairly sure was illegal. I'll find out when I see if my car is there tomorrow morning. (Actually, I don't think it'd be towed, just maybe ticketed.)

I need to start biking to work! But first I need to do a spring tune-up to my bike. Hmph.

I'm actually in a MUCH better mood now than I was when I got home, but I still need to figure out a new solution because coming home every day in that kind of mood is NOT going to work for me!

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