Sunday, May 16, 2004

I was assaulted by a drunk, old bum on the street last night, about 2 blocks from my apartment. I'm used to catcalls and panhandlers; I do a lot of walking in a big city, and those are par for the course. But this man, who I'd just seen take a swig from a flask, actually hit me as I walked by. Then he asked if I had money, and when I said no and kept walking, he followed me for half a block, saying, "Oh you're nice" and "I want you."

I wasn't hurt, and he didn't take anything. And, of course, I can walk much, much faster than a drunk old man. But it definitely shook me up. What if it's a younger man next time, or he's on a bike, or he swipes at me with a knife instead of his fist. I'm not okay with always taking a cab or the train instead of walking. And, in point of fact, I feel no safer on the train. I moved back here in large part because I enjoy being able to walk everywhere, and I don't want to give up that freedom.

Hmph. I may need to take self defense classes or listen to my mother and start carrying pepper spray. Neither of those would protect me against a gun, but then, if someone's got a gun, not much would help. And I will not leave the city.

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