Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Call it a residual effect of grad school-- this whole working 9-5 thing still seems odd to me. It's not that I can't handle 40+ hours a week; I just can't handle the set hours. I'm used to doing errands (going to the bank, grocery shopping, laundry, paying bills, dishes, cleaning) during the day, and working at night. Now errands just don't get done. The bank closes by the time I get home from work; I can't find parking if I grocery shop at night; and the laundry room is crowded at night when everyone else is also home from work. I have no excuse for bills, dishes, and cleaning. Those just seem like daytime activities to me. Granted, I could do things during the day if I ever spent a sober weekend in town, but let's face it, that's unlikely to happen soon. And it woud help if I ever went to sleep at an early hour or did something with my evenings other than stare at the TV while surfing the internet, but again, that's unlikely.

Strangely, I think the solution to all of this is to work two jobs. The less time I have to accomplish things, the more I'll get done. Or at least paying bills won't be quite the frightening experience it is now.

I don't have a solution for burning out at work around 4pm every day. I mean a solution besides ignoring my work to blog :-)

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