Tuesday, January 26, 2010

iphone has arrived!

My iphone arrived in the mail yesterday. I returned home from my class excited to activate it and start playing around on it. I followed all of the directions and got to a screen on AT&T's webpage that said "Error." I tried again and was told my phone had already been activated. Okay, I thought, that was easy. I turned on the phone to a screen that said "Activating. This may take a while." And it did. Half an hour later, I gave up and started playing on the phone via wifi. I could do almost everything on the phone except make a phone call. That meant I couldn't call AT&T to report the problem, and I couldn't call Matthew. We have no landline, and since Matthew's phone wasn't there, I had no other way of making a phone call. I tried emailing Matthew to tell him to turn on his computer so that I could call him on Skype. But he did not respond. A feeling of helplessness washed over me. Finally, I resorted to emailing a friend and asking him to call Matthew to ask him to call me on Skype. Thanks goodness for multiple modes of connection.

Upon calling AT&T from my landline at work this morning, I learned that they had reactivated my old SIM card instead of activating my new SIM card, so my old phone would have worked.

In any case, the new iphone (well, the year-and-a-half-old previous-model refurbished iphone) now works. And it's very cool. Yes, I'm easily wowed.

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