Saturday, August 28, 2004

Friendster freaks the hell out of me. I've had an account for a while, but I never really bothered to add friends. Occasionally I'll get a request for someone to add me as a friend, and those are the times when I edit my profile to reflect moves across the country, etc.

But today I looked around a bit. Talk about world colliding! I found an ex boyfriend I haven't talked to in a long, long time. Friendster informed me that I was 4 degrees away from him. Now I only have three confirmed friends, all from college, so finding that I was connected through them to a boyfriend from grad school was deeply disturbing :) Turned out to be not that strange--the connection was through Spikey--but I think I'd prefer to be disconnected!

In any case, I sent out "please add me" things to a few people, so maybe at some point I'll have friends. Or it'll take me 12 years to look at the page again. One or the other. There were some people I could've added, but somehow the connection level felt right. You know when there are friends that really are 2 or 3 degrees away? Sometimes they become friends in their own right, but sometimes they will always be friends-of-friends.

And I had trouble looking for some of my female friends because I couldn't remember their new last names. :)

Oh, and if I didn't try to add you it's not because I don't love you. It's likely because trying to navigate around Friendster makes my head spin.

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