Tuesday, June 08, 2004

When I told people I was moving from Southern California to the Midwest, everyone warned me about the horrible Midwest winters. I moved back in December, survived the winter, and thought I was fine. I somehow forgot about the Midwest summers. Amazing how you can spend 22 summers in one place, move away for 4 years, and your body just forgets. Forgets what it feels like to be sopping wet and huffing and puffing after walking up the stairs and forgets what it feels like to need   air conditioning.

Yesterday was the official start of my 18 week marathon training program, but yesterday was cross training. So today was the day I was supposed to start running. I was excited to be in training again -- having daily goals and getting to use my new GPS watch (don't laugh). But my "run" at 5:30 this morning just did not happen. I might have run about half a mile. Maybe. At a 13 minute mile pace. (That's practically walking.) I felt awful and continued to feel that way for hours, even after I was sitting in my air conditioned office. I did manage to get in my 3 miles when I got home from work. Inside. On the treadmill. At some point I will have to run outside again. Just not yet.

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