Monday, July 09, 2007

I promised Al Gore that I would throw a Live Earth party. I failed in that promise, unless Matthew, Smokey, Bandit, and I count as a party. :) I let down Al Gore, but I can't feel *too* badly about that as long as Al Gore is letting me down by not running for president. (Dream ticket: Gore/Bobby Kennedy, Jr.)

We certainly didn't watch all of the coverage, even though it was in HD. We did watch a spectacularly boring rendition of "Black Hole Sun" by Chris Cornell and an amusing attempt by Tom Chaplin to get the London audience to sing along with "Somewhere Only We Know," which isn't exactly a sing-along song. I found the highlights from the non-English-speaking countries to be much more enjoyable, especially from China. The best part, though, was definitely all the little mini-movies and hints for saving the world. I can only hope that it will make some difference. It certainly made me feel guilty for not doing enough, and I already recycle, take my own bags to the grocery store, replace old lightbulbs with fluorescent bulbs, walk or take public transit whenever possible, etc.

So, since I failed in my promise to hold the party, I will at least ask everyone to sign all or part of the Live Earth pledge: Don't do it for Al Gore; do it for the future of our planet.

My green tip for the day: Stop buying bottles of water. Please! A much more environmentally-friendly, not to mention cheaper, option is to buy a Brita or Pur faucet mount or filtered pitcher. Get a Nalgene bottle or two to carry around your water, and you'll save a ton of money and reduce your carbon footprint.

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