And yes, I realize that this means I will be running a marathon at 28. But hey, Deena Kastor won broze in Athens at 31. So I've still got time. :)
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Help! I need more books!
I'm starting to think that even after I get the rest of my books from my parents' basement, my books will still not fill the shelves of my library, much less the freestanding bookshelves I have in the living room and dining room. How did this happen? I pride myself on being such a bibiophile and yet I can't fill floor-to-ceiling shelves in one lousy room. :(
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
They slept last night! So, Smokey is a girl, and The Bandit is a boy(and aptly named). They're eight months old and super cuddly. I'm a little terrified of the responsibility of having pets and of not having my house to myself, but I also love the way they snuggle up against me and purrrrr.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
I have kitties now. On the left is Smokey, and on the right is Bandit. More to come when I'm not so tired from being kept up by kitties all night!
Friday, January 06, 2006
Moving tomorrow!
BTW, I no longer have internet at home, and I'm not at work today, so if anyone needs me, call me!
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Can't move around in apartment.... too many boxes... help!
Actually I'm at work, but I'm dreading being back in my apartment tonight. :)